“The Comparison Trap”
I’m as guilty as anyone else..wake up, get my coffee, hop on Instagram and almost immediately start feeling sad, depressed, and lonely. Why?
Here’s the thing, “the grass is always greener”, and although people’s lives may look perfect on social media, I can assure you that they’re not. Everyone struggles, everyone goes through hard times..life is awesome, but at times, not so awesome.
There is a beauty in how easily we can all stay connected these days..but then there’s a darkness to it. Instead of enjoying the blessings in our own life, we stare at a screen and wish we had someone else’s. I don’t just think.. I KNOW that this is not “life more abundantly”. God is so plain in His word when He spoke through Paul saying, “Don’t compare yourselves to one another.” (Galatians 6:4) There’s a danger to it and if we’re not careful, we will miss out on what God has for us because we’re too busy wishing we were living someone else’s life.
I’m challenging myself this year to put down my phone more, to breathe more, to pay attention more..to live in the moment more. The older I get the more I realize that life is truly a gift, and so easily taken for granted.
Maybe this post was just for me, but I hope it’s just a reminder for all of us.💕 Love y’all!! ~AK